Strategize Your Resolution

Feeling stressed after the Holidays? You are not alone as millions of people stress out more after the Holidays than before. This is exactly why resolutions are made every New Year by billions of people. Did you know that 41% of Americans make a New Years resolution? Did you also know that only 9% of them "feel" they were successful in their resolution.

21% of Americans will make a resolution to "Healthy" while 12% to "Self Improvement" and 9% to "Financial".
Let's take the top 3 and bring them together for a moment. Why do 42% of Americans never succeed their New Year Resolutions? Simple.

The Gym? More Fruits? More Vegetables? Organic? Whole Foods? Self Reflect Books? Yoga?
They all fall into the top resolutions of the upcoming year! They all also cost money and if you cannot afford to make the change it may leave you in the 42% percent of failed resolutions. Running horizontally through 2018.
Now think this way, if I become financially fit what will it produce? Maybe bucket budgeting to fall into a health and fitness bucket? Maybe self improvement because of a positive attitude and not living paycheck to paycheck? This is nothing about being rich or being poor this is being financially fit with what you have! Your interpretation of rich or poor means nothing to being financially fit. That would be like saying rich and poor determines how fit you are and we know that is not true!

When are you going to take the next step?
When are you going to stop making excuses?
The biggest way to financial freedom is either eliminating and/or lowering debt and/or paid interest. By taking 3 credit cards and adding them into your home interest rate below 4% vs. at their current credit card company interest of 13% is HUGE. By lowering your interest rate on your home by 2% can be dramatic in your lifestyle and reaching goals with saving thousands a year.
Now imagine saving just $100 a month on your home loan and that goes into a savings account that gains Christmas interest from a local bank. Imagine never having to come up with Christmas money. That is a minimum of $1200 available Xmas 2018. Stop saying I should and do it.
When you work with a good lender you will get concierge service and they will track down your employment and income, so don't ever let that take priority.
This year make your goal to be Financially Fit and the Health and Self-Improvements will follow right along.
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